How to Find a Person's Cell Phone Number
The reason you can't lookup a person's cell phone number in your local regular phone book is because cell phone numbers are protected by privacy laws and are not released to any public phone directories.

The good news is that you can actually find someone's cell phone number online by trying a few different techniques and searching through the right websites.

Find a person's cell phone number the free way.

Free cell phone number directories do not exist so don't even waste your time searching Google looking for a place to lookup a cell phone number for free.

However you can search Google for a person's phone number. It's possible your friend may have listed their number on their MySpace or Facebook profile. It's is also not uncommon for someone to leave a contact number as a comment on a friend's profile page.

Also Many business and professionals have their contact information listed online. It would be dumb for a business not to post their most important people's contacts and phone numbers online.

I even found my own personal cell phone number posted on someone's resume as a reference!

So instead of searching for a free cell phone book, try searching your friend's name directly.

Not only is this method time consuming and unreliable. The truth is, most people will not have their phone number posted to the public online. This only works best when searching for companies and professionals.

Find a person's cell phone number the easy way.

The easiest and most reliable way to lookup a person's cell phone number online is to go through a private cellular phone directory or confidential data broker.

Once restricted to law enforcement and licensed investigators, only in recent years have these sites opened up for anyone to use. There are still many private investigative services charging up to $200 for a single cell phone number listing.

The best news is that today you can lookup anyone's phone number including unlisted and cellular phone numbers. You will still have to pay a small fee, around $20. But this is surely not a problem if you've already wasted two hours searching Google and just need an answer. Hopefully, you found this article first so you can save yourself valuable time and energy.

The awesome part about sites like Cell Phone Registry is that you can also get access to public records for instant background checks. It's also feels cool to have access to something your friend's do not even know about. It's like you are a private investigator of your own.

Free Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - Try This Free Method That Works Like Gangbusters

Performing a free reverse cell phone lookup on the Internet is proving hard to accomplish. It seems that everywhere you turn, people are talking of these free services. But every time I search for these services - I can never find them. I'm sure you've experienced the same thing too. That's why I've come up with my own method for obtaining the information on any cell phone owner.

If you're an avid Internet user like myself, you probably know that most people with Internet access have profiles on either Myspace of Facebook, or have some kind of presence on the Internet. Usually what happens within these social networking websites is that a user makes friends with other people. Or they speak to existing friends. And quite often a person will leave their cell phone number behind on these profiles, for everyone to see including the search engines!

This means that you can search for the cell phone number in a popular search engine, and it will return these social networking profiles with information about the user. If you go to, and type the cell phone number in. But type it in between quotation marks, this will bring up more accurate results. Usually, you'll find the information you're looking for!

If you don't find anything then your only other option is to sign up to a paid lookup website. I've listed one below, that only requires a small fee for lifetime access. And you can instantly find out all the details about a certain cell phone number, it only takes a few clicks!

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